I’m having my 9th dose of Ocrevus this coming Friday (29 October) and since I’m a glutton for punishment, I’m having my baclofen pump refilled, the baclofen dose rate turned up a bit, a flu vaccination, and all my yearly bloodwork done. I figure that even though I’m cleared for the faster infusion rate, I’m still going to be sitting in the clinic for the better part of my day, so I might as well be efficient and get it all knocked out at once. I mean, I’m already getting one needle poke, what’s a couple more? OK, not my best logic and I may be singing a different tune after, but at least I’ll have some good material for next week’s post.
I’m actually looking forward to all this. Getting the bloodwork done ahead of my December GP appointment will save time then. The flu shot may not be 100% effective, but after my bout with Covid in early September, I’ll take even a 10% chance of not getting the flu. It’s past time for a baclofen pump adjustment. The goal has been to find a dose that tames the spacticity while still leaving enough muscle tone for my legs and lower torso to be useful. I let it go this time until the spacticity started to become a problem, so I’ll be glad for the relaxation. Finally, I’ve been on Ocrevus since it was approved by the FDA in 2017 and it seems to have my progression stabilized (no new brain or spinal lesions and no active demyelination), so naturally, I’d look forward to the continuation of therapy based on that assumption alone. However, there’s another reason and that reason is because this time around, I’m having an extra rough time with the “crap gap”.
Ocrevus is a twice yearly infusion that specifically targets the B cells in the immune system that the developers determined were responsible for demyelination. The “crap gap” is a space of time just before an infusion when the effects of the last one are wearing off and you start having a return of your old, pre-Ocrevus symptoms……ie, you feel like crap. I have no idea how medically/scientifically factual this is, but patients on both Ocrevus and its sister drug Rituxan report a period of increased symptoms 2-4 weeks prior to an infusion.
Experiences seem to vary, both in duration and intensity. Some of my gaps have been worse than others, but all have been noticeable. I usually start to feel a little extra fatigued about 2 weeks before an infusion. My last infusion in April was delayed by 2 weeks so as to not interfere with my 2 rounds of Covid vaccine, but even with 4 total weeks of gap, I don’t recall it being particularly noteworthy when compared to others. My pet theory (which is just that) is that my immune system was too busy reacting to the vaccine and building antibodies to put a lot of effort into pestering me for being late with my infusion.
This infusion has also been delayed by 2 weeks due to scheduling conflicts, but this time, I’m really feeling the gap. Extra fatigue, brain fog, uncooperative hands, arms, and legs, foggy, double vision, and just overall crappiness. If I had the wherewithal, my pet theory this time would be that the extra spacticity resulting from not having high enough baclofen levels was a big contributor. (hmm, it appears I have the wherewithal)
Regardless, this is my most memorable “crap gap” to date. Maybe I’ll start referring to it by a title worthy of it; the “crap gully”, the “crap ravine”, the “crap canyon”…….Ok, now I’m just being over dramatic.
I’ll have a good infusion/pump refill/blood draw/flu vaccine report next week. Stay tuned.