I used to be so proud of my immune system. I healed almost unnaturally fast, (which is a good trait to have when you’re clumsy and accident prone), could eat just about anything, and hardly ever got sick. If we assume MS is autoimmune, it seems strangely, maybe even painfully, ironic that it was that same robust immune system that turned on me and put me in my current state. Guess I either didn’t give it enough to keep it from getting bored, or exercised it so much that it got too strong to be contained.*
I still don’t get sick very often, but now, with MS, every time is memorable. Sniffles that would have once barely registered are now a serious life impediment. When you only have so much energy allocated for the day, any additional load can throw the whole system off. (spoon theory anyone?) Heaven forbid you have a fever since even a half degree elevation in body temperature magnifies your MS symptoms by what feels like a factor of 10.
I’m sick right now. I felt “off” at bedtime Thursday night and woke up Friday morning with a fever that left me unable to move much, uncurl my fingers, and with vision that wasn’t just doubled but with one side actively jumping up and down. Getting the fever under control returned me to some semblance of normal albeit a very tired, worn out normal.
And that’s been the routine for the last few days, just keeping things under control while I get better. If I didn’t have my wife to bring me medicine, etc I’d most likely have to be hospitalized since I’m pretty helpless when the fever hits. For that reason, this week’s post will be rather abbreviated, but I plan on being up and about in no time.
*I know that’s not exactly how it works.
One reply on “Sick and Tired”
Hi Ben.
I understand what you’re talking about all to well, especially with UTIs. I’ve been hospitalized with severe relapses twelve times in the past five years, and two of those times with really bad sepsis that almost took me out. The feeling powerless and unable to move is the worst, and when the heat comes it just makes things exponentially worse—heat anytime else is bad enough.
I wish you the best, and hope you feel better soon. Take care.