I am late with a post this week, but in my defense, I was at the beach with my family all last week and am still in lazy, vacation mode. I thought I’d better post something in the way of explanation, so as not to upset my tens and tens of readers.
I had a wonderful time and though my days of sun worshipping are far behind me*, I was still able to enjoy the beach and frolic…..(yes, I frolic), thanks to adaptive equipment (like the all-terrain wheelchair in the photo) and more importantly the help of my spectacular family.
I was once loathe to ask for help. I’m still somewhat hesitant, but that’s just foolish pride rearing its head. Truth be told, I never even had to ask for help. It came without bidding from the depths of my family’s love and good graces.
I’m not sure what I ever did to deserve it and I hope I make myself just a little worthy of it.
That’s it for this week. An explanation and a weak attempt at expressing my gratitude for family making the inaccessible…..accessible.
* I never really had sun worshipping days. Although it’s grey now, my hair was once blonde and my eyes are blue. We are of Northern European descent and are a pale, non-tanning people.